Raspberry Pi 3

Raspberry Pi, WiringPi 라이브러리 설치

CoyoteUgly 2018. 8. 1. 22:36

Raspberry Pi, WiringPi 라이브러리 설치에 대한 부분입니다.



1. git clone git://git.drogon.net/wiringPi

2. cd wiringPi

3. git pull origin

4. ./build

pi@raspberrypi:~/wiringPi$ ./build
wiringPi Build script

WiringPi Library
[Compile] wiringPi.c
[Compile] wiringSerial.c
[Compile] wiringShift.c
[Compile] piThread.c
[Compile] piHiPri.c
[Compile] wiringPiSPI.c
[Compile] wiringPiI2C.c
[Compile] softPwm.c
[Compile] softTone.c
[Compile] mcp23008.c
[Compile] mcp23016.c
[Compile] mcp23017.c
wiringPi.c:1309:21: warning: ‘digitalWrite8Dummy’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 static         void digitalWrite8Dummy       (UNU struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, UNU int pin, UNU int value) { return ; }
wiringPi.c:1308:21: warning: ‘digitalRead8Dummy’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 static unsigned int digitalRead8Dummy        (UNU struct wiringPiNodeStruct *node, UNU int UNU pin)            { return 0 ; }
[Compile] mcp23s08.c
[Compile] mcp23s17.c
[Compile] pcf8574.c
[Compile] sr595.c
[Compile] pcf8591.c
[Compile] mcp3002.c
[Compile] mcp3004.c
[Compile] mcp4802.c
[Compile] mcp3422.c
[Compile] max31855.c
[Compile] ads1115.c
[Compile] max5322.c
[Compile] sn3218.c
[Compile] bmp180.c
[Compile] htu21d.c
[Compile] ds18b20.c
[Compile] rht03.c
[Compile] drcSerial.c
[Compile] drcNet.c
[Compile] pseudoPins.c
[Compile] wpiExtensions.c
[Link (Dynamic)]
[Install Headers]
[Install Dynamic Lib]

WiringPi Devices Library
[Compile] ds1302.c
[Compile] maxdetect.c
[Compile] piNes.c
[Compile] gertboard.c
[Compile] piFace.c
[Compile] lcd128x64.c
[Compile] lcd.c
[Compile] scrollPhat.c
[Compile] piGlow.c
[Link (Dynamic)]
[Install Headers]
[Install Dynamic Lib]

GPIO Utility
[Compile] gpio.c
[Compile] readall.c

All Done.

NOTE: To compile programs with wiringPi, you need to add:
  to your compile line(s) To use the Gertboard, MaxDetect, etc.
  code (the devLib), you need to also add:
  to your compile line(s).


5. gpio 사용법

    • gpio -g mode 핀번호 input( 혹은 output)
    • gpio -g write 핀번호 1( 혹은 0)
    • gpio -g mode 핀번호 up ( 혹은 down, tri )
    • 핀번호는 BCM 기준이다

6. ~/wiringPi 디렉토리 구조

7. gpio readall

8. gpio output test

BCM 17번 핀을 Output 모드로 변경

9. gpio output test

BCM 17번 핀 값을 High로 변경

10. ~/wiringPi/example 디렉토리 구조