
MSP430, MSP Flasher - Command Line Programmer

CoyoteUgly 2018. 8. 26. 21:41

MSP430, MSP Flasher - Command Line Programmer

Windows, Linux, Mac 운영체제를 지원합니다.

사용법은 별도 페이지에서 정리하겠습니다.

MSP Flasher is an open-source, shell-based interface for programming MSP430™ microcontrollers (MCUs) and SimpleLink™ MSP432™ MCUs  through a MSP Debug Stack and provides the most common functions on the command line. MSP Flasher can be used to download binary files (.txt/.hex) directly to the MSP memory without the need of an IDE like CCS or IAR. It can also be used to extract firmware directly from a device and lock JTAG access permanently. 

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TI wiki 페이지

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shell 기반이기 때문에 cmd 나 powershell 을 통해서 동작합니다.