ESP32, make option

CoyoteUgly 2018. 8. 20. 23:16

ESP32, make option

주로 사용하는 명령어는 다음과 같으며 조합도 가능합니다.

make menuconfig

make app

make app-flash

make monitor

make app-flash monitor

    @echo "Welcome to Espressif IDF build system. Some useful make targets:"
    @echo ""
    @echo "make menuconfig - Configure IDF project"
    @echo "make defconfig - Set defaults for all new configuration options"
    @echo ""
    @echo "make all - Build app, bootloader, partition table"
    @echo "make flash - Flash app, bootloader, partition table to a chip"
    @echo "make clean - Remove all build output"
    @echo "make size - Display the static memory footprint of the app"
    @echo "make size-components, size-files - Finer-grained memory footprints"
    @echo "make size-symbols - Per symbol memory footprint. Requires COMPONENT=<component>"
    @echo "make erase_flash - Erase entire flash contents"
    @echo "make monitor - Run idf_monitor tool to monitor serial output from app"
    @echo "make simple_monitor - Monitor serial output on terminal console"
    @echo "make list-components - List all components in the project"
    @echo ""

    @echo "make app - Build just the app"

    @echo "make app-flash - Flash just the app"

    @echo "make app-clean - Clean just the app"
    @echo "make print_flash_cmd - Print the arguments for esptool when flash"
    @echo ""
    @echo "See also 'make bootloader', 'make bootloader-flash', 'make bootloader-clean', "
    @echo "'make partition_table', etc, etc."

'ESP32' 카테고리의 다른 글

ESP32, UART, uart channel (0~2)  (0) 2018.08.20
EPS32, monitor option  (0) 2018.08.20
ESP32, 리눅스 개발 환경 설정  (0) 2018.08.20
ESP32, Wi-Fi, wifi_scan  (1) 2018.08.20
ESP32, Bluetooth, ble_ibeacon  (0) 2018.08.20