
MSP430, MSP430FR6x8x_Code_Examples

CoyoteUgly 2018. 9. 3. 19:20

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File Name                                           Description
msp430fr69xx_1.c                             Blink LED

msp430fr69xx_active_01.c                   Active mode test
msp430fr69xx_active_02.c                   Active Mode Test with 100% CHR

msp430fr69xx_adc12_01.c                   ADC12, Sample A0, Set P1.0 if A0 > 0.5*AVcc
msp430fr69xx_adc12_02.c                   ADC12, Using the Internal Reference
msp430fr69xx_adc12_03.c                   Sample A2-A3 Differential,Set P1.0 if i/p> 1V
msp430fr69xx_adc12_05.c                   ADC12, Using an External Reference
msp430fr69xx_adc12_10.c                   ADC12, Sample A10 Temp and Convert to oC and oF
msp430fr69xx_adc12_21.c                   ADC12, Window Comparator, 2.5V ref
msp430fr69xx_adc12_22.c                   ADC12, Window Comparator, 2.5V ref, 2's Complement

msp430fr69xx_compe_01.c                  COMPE output Toggle in LPM4; input channel CE1
msp430fr69xx_compe_02.c                  COMPE output Toggle in LPM4; input channel CE12
msp430fr69xx_compe_04.c        COMPE output Toggle in LPM4, Vcompare is compared against the Vcc*1/2
msp430fr69xx_compe_05.c           COMPE Hysteresis, COUT Toggle in LPM4; High speed mode

msp430fr69xx_crc.c                           Calculate CRC and compare

msp430fr69xx_cs_01.c                        Configure MCLK for 8MHz operation
msp430fr69xx_cs_02.c                        Configure MCLK for 16MHz operation
msp430fr69xx_cs_03.c                        Output 32768Hz crystal on XT1 and observe failsafe
msp430fr69xx_cs_04.c                        ACLK = XT1 = 32768Hz, SMCLK= XT2 = 8MHz, MCLK = DCO
msp430fr69xx_cs_05.c                        Using LFXT in bypass mode, failsafe operation shown

msp430fr69xx_dma_01.c                     DMA0, Repeated Block to-from RAM, Software Trigger

msp430fr69xx_esi_01.c                       ESI Module example
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_spi_09.c            eUSCI_A0, SPI 3-Wire Master Incremented Data
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_spi_10.c            eUSCI_A0, SPI 3-Wire Slave Data Echo
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_spi_11.c            eUSCI_A0, SPI 4-Wire Master Incremented Data
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_spi_12.c            eUSCI_A0, SPI 4-Wire Slave Data Echo
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_uart_01.c           eUSCI_A0 UART echo at 9600 baud using BRCLK = 8MHz
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_uart_02.c           eUSCI_A0 UART echo at 9600 baud using BRCLK = 32768Hz
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_uart_03.c           USCI_A0 External Loopback test @ 115200 baud
msp430fr69xx_euscia0_uart_04.c           eUSCI_A0 External Loopback test
msp430fr69xx_euscib0_i2c_10.c       eUSCI_B0 I2C Master RX multiple bytes from MSP430 Slave
msp430fr69xx_euscib0_i2c_11.c           eUSCI_B0 I2C Slave TX multiple bytes to MSP430 Master
msp430fr69xx_euscib0_i2c_master_multislave.c        eUSCI_B0 I2C Master TX bytes to Multiple Slaves
msp430fr69xx_euscib0_i2c_multislave.c           eUSCI_B0 I2C 4 Hardware I2C slaves
msp430fr69xx_eusci_i2c_standard_master.c      eUSCI_B0, I2C Master multiple byte TX/RX
msp430fr69xx_eusci_i2c_standard_slave.c        eUSCI_B0, I2C Slave multiple byte TX/RX
msp430fr69xx_eusci_spi_standard_master.c     eUSCI_A0, SPI 3-Wire Master multiple byte RX/TX
msp430fr69xx_eusci_spi_standard_slave.c        eUSCI_A0, SPI 3-Wire Slave multiple byte RX/TX
msp430fr69xx_eusci_uart_standard_transceiver.c      eUSCI_A0, UART Echo received character

msp430fr69xx_framwrite.c              Long word writes to FRAM
msp430fr69xx_lcdc_01.c                 LCD_C, 4-Mux example, display "430" string on the LCD.
msp430fr69xx_lcdc_02.c                 LCD_C, 4-Mux example, display "430" string on the LCD and blinks the string every 1Hz.
msp430fr69xx_lcdc_03.c              LCD_C, RTC_C, Display real time clock on LCD in LPM3 mode.

msp430fr69xx_lpm0.c                    Enters LPM0 with ACLK = LFXT, MCLK = 1MHz
msp430fr69xx_lpm3-5_01.c             RTC_C, LPM3.5, & alarm
msp430fr69xx_lpm3_02.c                Enters LPM3 with ACLK = VLO
msp430fr69xx_lpm3_03.c                Enters LPM3 with ACLK = LFXT1
msp430fr69xx_lpm4-5_01.c             Entering and waking up from LPM4.5 via P1.3 interrupt
msp430fr69xx_lpm4-5_02.c             Entering and waking up from LPM4.5 via P1.3 interrupt with SVS disabled
msp430fr69xx_lpm4.c                    Enters LPM4
msp430fr69xx_mpu_01.c                MPU write protection violation - interrupt
msp430fr69xx_mpu_02.c                MPU Write protection violation - PUC
msp430fr69xx_of_lfxt1_nmi.c           LFXT Oscillator Fault Detection

msp430fr69xx_p1_01.c                   Software Poll P1.4, Set P1.0 if P1.4 = 1
msp430fr69xx_p1_03.c                   Port Interrupt Service on P1.4 from LPM4

msp430fr69xx_rtc_01.c                   RTC in Counter Mode toggles P1.0 every 1s
msp430fr69xx_rtc_02.c                   RTC in real time clock mode

msp430fr69xx_ta0_01.c                  Timer0_A3, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Cont Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_ta0_02.c                  Timer0_A3, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Up Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_ta0_04.c                  Timer0_A3, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_ta0_16.c                  Timer0_A3, PWM TA0.1-2, Up Mode, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_ta0_17.c                  Timer0_A3, PWM TA0.1-2, Up Mode, 32KHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_ta0_capture.c           Timer0_A3 Capture of VLO Period using DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_ta1_05.c                  Timer1_A3, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Cont Mode ISR, 32KHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_ta1_06.c                  Timer1_A3, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 UP Mode ISR, 32KHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_ta1_16.c                  Timer1_A3, PWM TA1.1-2, Up Mode, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_ta1_17.c                  Timer1_A3, PWM TA1.1-2, Up Mode, 32KHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_tb0_01.c                  TimerB, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 Cont Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_tb0_02.c                  TimerB, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 UP Mode ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_tb0_03.c                  TimerB, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_tb0_04.c                  TimerB, Toggle P1.0, Overflow ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_tb0_06.c                  TimerB, Toggle P1.0, CCR0 UP Mode ISR, 32KHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_tb0_16.c                  TimerB, PWM TB0.1-2, Up Mode, DCO SMCLK

msp430fr69xx_wdt_01.c                 WDT, Toggle P1.0, Interval Overflow ISR, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_wdt_02.c                 WDT, Toggle P1.0, Interval Overflow ISR, 32kHz ACLK
msp430fr69xx_wdt_04.c                 WDT+ Failsafe Clock, WDT mode, DCO SMCLK
msp430fr69xx_wdt_05.c                 Reset on Invalid Address fetch, Toggle P1.0